Ozmen Institute for Global Studies Research Award
Birendra Rana (College of Science, UNR) is awarded the Ozmen Institute for Global Studies Research Award 2021, for his research on How Is Rural Development Affected in Nepal in the Context of Local Equity Shareholding (LES) for Small Hydropower Projects Implemented since 2010. For more information
AAG Water Resources Specialty (WRSG) Award 2020
Birendra is awarded the Olen Paul Matthews and Kathleen A. Dwyer Fund for Water Resources award, and he is invited to join for the WRSG Business Meeting to formally recognize his achievement. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and cancellation of the face-to-face annual AAG meeting this year, the Awards Committee would like to honor his achievement at the 2021 WRSG Business Meeting in Seattle, Washington.
Thank you for your submission to the 2020 OPMKD. Click for more information
Open Society Foundation - Civil Society Scholar Award 2020
Congrats for some summer accomplishments of two of our outstanding PhD students: Lauren Phillips (left) was awarded a NASA/Nevada Space Grant Fellowship and Birendra Rana (right) was a was awarded a Civil Society Scholar Award from the Open Society Foundations. Way to go Birendra and Lauren! For more information